Tuesday 4 May 2010

Two new pieces! The last two of my 2nd year project.

So here they are, in all their... well here they are anyway, this is the second to last one I did, and I am really happy with it. The idea behind it is Cinderella in despair at her existence, her dark, tortured life looming over her head, her broken home shattered below.

So, house paint base coat, with a house paint and black and white ink merging of media in the face, just inks around the top and bottom; roughly 8"x5" in size, a good size piece, painted on loose canvas.
Here is the latest one that I have done, definately my favourite along side the above piece also...

According to my rough calculations this is also 8"x5", a good round favourite size of mine to work on, and it is painted with a household paint background, black and white inks for the foreground aswell as bleach hints; painted on loose canvas.

And as promised! Here is my work space, this is where I produced my work for this year (it used to be completely white walls and grey floor - BORING!), it is a place that I have tried to spruce up haha.

Mmm orange juice with bits (NOT FROM CONCENTRATE.) and some lovely colours. You can kind of see the different sizes of pieces that I've done on the wall to left, centre, and kind of to the far right of the image aswell.

Doesn't that look lovely? Everyone should have their own I say, give it a go.

1 comment:

  1. Deannnn! this is great :) well done you!
    I especially like the Green one!
